love capacity

Today was Grandma’s funeral.

It was nice, and altogether not as sad feeling as Grandad’s was last year. I think that may be because Grandma’s passing was less of a shock… That, and the fact that there was no piper playing at this one. Wow, the emotional energy from a lone piper playing something like Amazing Grace – it’s just incredible to experience. Always makes me cry like a newborn.

I was asked to read some scripture at the funeral. 1 Peter 1:3-9 to be exact. My Aunty apparently chose me to read that one as she knew it would be of special significance for me, being a Christian and all. That was very sweet of her.

Grandma and Grandad were so in love – it was amazing. They’d been married over 60 years when Grandad died a few days short of his 90th birthday. And Grandma celebrated her 80th not two weeks before she passed – around 9 months since Grandad went. They had this wee heart shaped photo frame with a photo of them in it. Each of them died holding it.

My wife and I have always looked at their marriage and held it as something of an example to us. It is our hope to be that happy, that in love – still – after 60+ years too.

It struck me that we all have the capacity to love like they did. We all have the ability within us to express love for another – whether we do or not is a choice that is up to us.

Go on – I dare ya!

God Bless

life, again – or the end of another

You may recall late last year that my Granddad passed away. Well, this morning, his beloved wife, my Grandma, followed on.

It’s obviously a really sad time – but not quite such a shock as when Granddad went. In a way, it’s nice to know that the pain of loss, the confusion and the sorrow will be over for her now.

This time around, we find ourselves unable to afford the trip for all of us to attend the funeral. There’s to be a special family ‘mixing the ashes’ ceremony in Oamaru on Friday which I’m really glad I’ll be able to be involved in (as well as the funeral).

On another note though, we have an old friend from Auckland staying the weekend for his 68th birthday. He’s a lonely soul – and looks forward to his annual trip down to stay with us. It’s nice to have him here and bring some happiness to a brother.

God Bless, and good night.